20 NATURAL Things That Therapists Tell Their Clients to Lower anxiety

Many people have chronic stress and anxiety. They face symptoms such as nervousness, agitation, tension, a racing heart, and chest pain.
In fact, anxiety is among the most common mental health issues. In the United States, more than 18 percent of adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year.
In this video you will learn about a wide range of natural and home remedies that can help with stress and anxiety.
Lets take a look at 20 NATURAL Things That Therapists Tell Their Clients to Lower anxiety

No1 Consume chamomile in any form you like. Chamomile tea is most popular way of consuming the herb. The herb relieves anxiety, relaxes muscles and also helps with insomnia.
No 2 Lemon helps in enhancing the mood and thus relieving stress and anxiety. Lemon can be taken in the form of a fruit, in green tea or in any form you like.
No3 Get exercise at least 3 times a week. Exercising allows you to vent out a lot of energy, and brings you down to a calmer state.
No4 Having a pet around can permanently reduce anxiety. In fact, animals are known to help with mental health issues in humans. A study shows that mere patting a dog can help the humans with the blood pressure problem.
No5 Acupuncture is a Chinese way of improving the human body. It can also be used to relieve stress and improve mood. However, if you do not like the idea of the needles, you could give a try to acupressure which is like acupuncture, but without needles.
No6 Keep a diffuser with soothing essential oils in it. Oils like lemon, cedar wood and lavender can reduce the anxiety, and help you sleep better.
No7 You can also use essential oils in the form of a balm. Apply some oil on your arm, and you will start feeling better in an instant.
No8 A massage with a soothing oil like that of olive can remove the excess energy accumulated in the wrong parts of your body. The massage also helps in improving the blood flow, and thus enhancing the mood.
No9 The quality of the sleep that you get also affects the amount of anxiety built up in your body. Focus on your sleeping time, pattern and habit. Improve wherever necessary.
No10 Excessive consumption of alcohol takes you down the anxiety line. If you are dealing with anxiety, do not consume alcohol. In fact, drinking plenty of water is a much better to feel better.
No11 Coffee is another drink to avoid while dealing with anxiety. Coffee can fiddle with your body sleep clock and give you a lot of unwanted energy. All this contributes to a disturbed body cycle and hence increase in anxiety.
No12 Take a 30-minute break from everything you are doing and devote this time to worrying about whatever is bothering you. However, also make sure that you do not worry about the same things for the rest of the day. If You do this you will see that your worries will start to melt away.
No13 Spend some time helping the ones in need. Try seeing more of your relatives or the friendly old man that lives down the street. These people can use your help, and you will feel good about doing it.
No14 Take a Deep breath whenever you feel anxious. Deep breathing is a way of telling your brain that things are fine.
No15 Talk to a friend. Sharing the things that bother you reduces your anxiety levels.
No16 If you do not have a close friend, write down everything that is bothering you. While you are at it, also write down the things that you are thankful for. Writing down the positive notes will help you get out of your negative zone.
No17 Chewing gum can reduce the stress levels. Studies show that people who chew gum have a greater sense of well-being.
No18 Sometimes, the stress is the result of saying YES to everything. From now on, if somebody asks you to do something which does not align with you, tell them NO.
No19 If you have a habit of avoiding doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline then try to break it. This is an anxiety trigger for almost everyone.
No20 Cuddle, kiss and hug your partner. You will experience lower stress levels, improved mood and even lower cholesterol.
To conclude ……..
Untreated anxiety can get worse and cause more stress in a person’s life. However, anxiety is highly treatable with therapy, natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications.

A person may need to try several combinations of therapies and remedies before finding one that works. A doctor can help a person to determine which options are best.
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