5 Natural Remedies for Headache that You Can Find in Your Kitchen / Natural Master No.1

5 Natural Remedies for Headache that You
Can Find in Your Kitchen.

Stress, lack of sleep, allergies, conflicts, toxins found in your perfume, infections – these are various factors that can cause headache.
Fortunately most headaches are temporary and can be easily healed without medicaments.

Home remedies available at the reach of your hand can help.

1.Ginger tea
which causes pain that affects nerve endings).
Ginger removes nausea which is often connected with headache.
Cut 2-3 cm of ginger root and pure 2 cups of water over the root. Cover it and leave it for 30 minutes.

2. Chamomile tea
Chamomile contains substances that ease pain and help relax.
Pure the tea bag with hot water and leave it for 10 minutes.
You can sweeten it with honey. Drink the tea in a calm place.

3. Magnesium
Researches show that pain can be caused by lack of magnesium in the brain.
It is recommended to take 400 g of magnesium per day via food or food supplements.
Magnesium can be found in pumpkin seeds, dry figs and dark chocolate.

4. Vitamin B2
Researches show that Vitamin B2 has a positive effect on headache and migraine.
Prevalence of headache in persons who took 400 mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) daily over 3 months decreased for 59%. While in persons who took placebo it decreased only for 15%.
Vitamin B2 can be found in almonds and sesame seeds. You can also take it as a food supplement.

5. Lavender and Peppermint
Many natural healers consider foot baths as a powerful remedy for headache.
It removes pressure in blood vessels of the head.
If you add few drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil to your foot bath their aroma will calm and ease your pain even more.