De Paris Le Lavande-Lavender Essential Oil 10 ml- Glass Dropper-Lavender Bar Soap- Sachet


De Paris Le Lavande All Natural 100 Percent Natural French Lavender Essential Oil -Lavender is a great relaxant. It calms the mind body and spirit. It has widely been used for insomnia, anxiety, depression and to lift your mood. It is very aromatic and seem to relieve stress just from smelling it. It is another herb used in dream pillows. Relax your body and your mind by adding a dose of lavender into your day. -Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils in the world, used both cosmetically for centuries, considered a deeply healing, ancient botanical. If you only use one single source essential oil, this is it -CALMING Lavender is known to alleviate headaches, reduce anxiety and stress. Rub on temples, wrists or feet for an immediate calming effect on the body. -ANTI-AGING Helps your body produce powerful antioxidants that can have profound positive effects on your skin -IMPROVES SLEEP We all know how important it is to get a good nights sleep -Diffusing lavender before and/or during sleep has been found to help you fall asleep, sleep longer and have a more restful sleep. -Lavandula angustfolia from Frace: The name lavender is derived from the Latin lavare, meaning, to wash. Greeks and Romans perfumed their bathwater with lavender, burned lavender incense to appease their gods, and believed the scent of lavender to be soothing to untamed lions. Ancient texts tell us that lavender essential oil has been used for medicinal and religious purposes for over 2,500 years