DIY Body Wash with Young Living Essential OIls

Looking for a more natural, less toxic body wash? Make your own with the help of Young Living Essential Oils. Check it out!

The recipe featured in this video:
1/2 cup coconut milk
2/3 cup castile soap
4 tsp Vitamin E oil (I skip this only because I don’t have any and haven’t gotten around to getting it)
8 drops of YLEO (some favorites are lavender, Joy, Purification, Abundance, lemon, Mel. A.)
4 tsp. vegetable glycerin

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. I am a mom who has decided to take charge of my family’s healthcare and detoxify my home with Young Living Essential Oils, and I want to share that information with others. The information provided in this video is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is meant to be shared with those seeking non-toxic, chemically-free wellness products. It is not meant to substitute for medical care or prescribe any treatments for any health condition. Additionally, it’s important to know that there are many different ways to use oils. You will want to make sure that the methods you employ are safe for you. If you are pregnant, nursing, have babies or young children, health conditions, or are on medications…you will need to do more research as to what oils are safe for your situation and how you can best use the oils. Please make sure to consult with a medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.