DIY YL Makeup Brush Cleaner | Young Living Essential Oils

We all know that our makeup brushes need to be cleaned—at least every once in a while. But are you worried about the harsh chemicals in commercial cleaners or if cleaning will loosen the glue and make the bristles shed? We’ve got three easy ways to clean your makeup brushes using Young Living products.

Makeup brushes don’t need deep cleaning every time, so we offer two cleaning tips for in between uses and one essential-oil infused solution for when you want to make your brushes really clean. All you need are a few Thieves cleaning products on hand and some essential oils. Just make sure that you store your brushes laying on a flat surface while drying! Do not store makeup brushes with bristles up. Water can damage/ weaken glue and cause early shedding of bristles.

Which of these have you been doing already?

Make Up Brush Cleaner #1: In Between Uses
1) In a glass spray bottle, dilute Thieves Household Cleaner with water (we used the 30:1 ratio)
2) Spray diluted Thieves Household Cleaner onto desired makeup brush
3) Wipe brush clean on towel

Make Up Brush Cleaner #2: In Between Uses
1) Pump Thieves Foaming Hand Soap onto brush
2) Place makeup brush in palm of hand
3) Rub soap and brush together in a circular motion in palm of hand to create foam.
4) Rinse brush in water and lay brush flat on towel to dry

Make Up Brush Cleaner #3: A Deeper Clean
1) In a 3 oz glass spray bottle mix 2 Tablespoons of Vinegar, 5-6 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil, 5-6 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil, and 1 Tablespoon of water
2) Wet makeup brush with water
3) Spray makeup brush with mixture you created in the spray bottle
4) Wipe off brush with towel to remove makeup residue
5) Rinse off Cleanser from brush
6) Lay brush on a flat surface to dry
