Essential Oil Uses | First Impressions | Go Natural Pakistan | Face Massage

We often find ourselves guilty of overlooking the simple yet essential pleasures of life. Not because we want to, but because we are so caught up with other things around us. We do the same when it comes to skin care. We fill our makeup kits with the best concealers, foundations, serums, night creams, and what not. But we overlook the key components of a good skin care routine – essential oils. Yes! And I will tell you why and what are the best essential oils for skin care. 
Why Essential Oils Are Important For Skin Care?
Benefits Of Essential Oils ?
What makes essential oils “essential?” Do you know that according to a study, of the 98 essential oils that are recommended for topical use, 88 can heal skin infections Amazing, right? Let’s check out some more benefits:
1. Effective In Treating Acne.
2. They Are Antifungal

3. They Contain Antioxidants.
4. They Reduce Inflammation
5. Have Anti-aging Benefits
Now, the question is, how can you use essential oils? How can you integrate them into your skin care routine?
• Use the essential oil aw a face oil:
Simply mix it with any carrier oil and use it on your face or dilute it with water and then apply.
Massaging with essential oils equally mixed with carrier oils like e.g : Almond Oil , Olive Oil ,
Coconut and Grapeseed Oils helps to lift and tigtens the skin and mainly used to reverse the the aging process and for achieving younger looking skin.
• Add It To Your Face Mask: Add a few drops to your regular face mask and then use it.
I got mine from @gonatural they have various kinds of essential and carrier oils available.they sell 100% pure and natural oils.

Link of their Instagram page :

You can also get these magical oils from their website : /