Essential Oils for Headache Relief – Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen
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Not a day goes by that someone in my life – a friend, a client, a Vibrant Blue customer, or child of a friend – asks me about healing headaches with Essential Oils.

I don’t know about you, but I really think headaches are the worst. Enough to make you want to crawl into bed, pull up the covers and cry.

While traveling to Dallas this past weekend, I got a doozy of a headache. While I would hardly call it a fun experience, it gave me great personal insight into how to heal headaches with essential oils and how well our oils actually work for pain relief.

Essential oils have many attributes that make them particularly well suited to offer headache relief because of their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to cross the blood brain barrier.

While headaches can result from a variety of triggers, a key cause is inflammation, which dilates and constricts the blood flow within the brain. The repeated dilation and constriction causes the nerve walls, which are sensitive to pain, to stretch, resulting in the discomfort of a headache.

Vibrant Blue Oils