Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil: Best Uses & Benefits + Quick How To

Frankincense Serrata is a long time favorite of essential oil users — and for good reason. Frankincense Serrata promotes clear breathing, quiets the brain from chaotic thoughts, and is great for meditation.

Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil ►

It is also a great choice for reducing discomfort and the perception of pain due to overexertion or aging joints.

Also, if you have been looking for essential oils to use for skin concerns, then Frankincense Serrata is a great option.

Oyr best uses for Frankincense Serrata include:

One: Diffusion. Add a few drops into my AromaFuse Diffuser after a long day of work, or chasing kids, to help unwind and relax the mind.

Another way to use this essential oil is in an inhaler, during times of sniffles or feeling congested. It is super easy — Take your personal inhaler, add equal drops Frankincense Serrata, Fir Needle or Spruce and inhale as needed.

And the third way that we like to use Frankincense Serrata is by adding it to our favorite skin care products. After you have washed your face, add a drop or two to your moisturizer for the added benefits, and to help with overall skin appearance.

If you want to enjoy the calming effects of Frankincense Serrata but you don’t have a diffuser, here is a simple Mind Clearing Blend recipe. For this recipe you will need:

1 ounce of carrier oil (I like to use Fractionated Coconut Oil or Almond Carrier Oil) ►
8 drops of Frankincense Serrata ►
8 drops of Bergamot ►
And 1 drop of Vetiver ►

Simply blend the ingredients together, put a small amount onto the palms of your hands, bring you hands up to your face and inhale deeply. Then massage onto the neck area.

With these simple uses and benefits, you can see why Frankincense Serrata is so beloved by many essential oil users, including me! Whether you are new to oils or experienced, this is definitely an essential oil you must-have.

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Promotes clear breathing
Quiets the brain, meditative
Reduces discomfort and pain due to overexertion or aging joints
Great for skin concerns and skin care


Diffuser to relax my mind after a long day.
In an inhaler with Fir Need or Spruce to help clear congestion
Added to my skin care products


Brain/Mind Clearing Blend

What you will need:

1 ounce carrier oil
8 drops Frankincense Serrata
8 drops Bergamot
1 drops Vetiver

What you will do:

Blend ingredients together.
Roll onto palms of the hands, bring you hands up to your face and inhale deeply. Then massage into the neck area or arms.