How to Get Rid of Lice FAST! | Home Remedy to Kill Head Lice Naturally

How to get rid of head lice –
In this video you will learn how to kill lice (and their eggs) quickly and naturally. This technique will not require a visit to the doctor or any expensive medicine. This is a FANTASTIC home remedy that will give you permanent results!

“Head louse” is the singular form of this small parasitic insect that lives in human hair. They survive by feeding on small amounts of blood that are drawn from the scalp. It can be very difficult to learn how to get rid of lice. They are extremely contagious, embarrassing and very stressful to deal with. However, the only health risk associated with head lice is a secondary infection due to scratching. Children are especially prone to this. The bottom line is that these insects do not pose any real danger to your home.

Learning how to kill lice will only require a few items that you may already have in your home. My natural remedy requires rubbing alcohol, lavender oil, a hair dryer and a special comb for removing the eggs. All of these ingredients will work safely and naturally to eliminate these insects. In this video, I will show you where to go if you need help finding the lavender essential oil and nit comb.

There are about a dozen different ingredients that you will read about on the internet when it comes to getting rid of head lice. Some of these home remedies include mayonnaise, vinegar, mouthwash and tea tree oil. I have tried all of them. Some of them work and some of them don’t. However, the method in this video is the absolute fastest way to get rid of these insects. Whichever treatment you decide to use, please avoid tea tree oil. There may be health risks when using it to kill lice on kids and pets.

After you have collected all of your ingredients, mix 20 drops of lavender oil with 4 ounces of rubbing alcohol. Apply this mixture to your hair every night before bed. In the morning, use the nit comb to remove the dead insects and eggs from your head. In addition to getting rid of lice, this recipe can also be used as an effective treatment to prevent them from spreading in your home. This mixture is completely natural, easy to make and very inexpensive.

Finally, wash your hair after using the nit comb and then blow dry it. This will be the final step I am going to teach you about how to kill lice naturally. It will require a temperature of 110 degrees to get rid of all eggs. However, it would be slightly uncomfortable to reach these temperatures on your head. I do not recommend that you try to get rid of head lice with heat. I do recommend that you blow dry your hair to a comfortable tolerance after each treatment is complete. I have found that exposing an infestation to higher temperatures will help to kill them faster.

Repeat these easy steps on a daily basis and you will see quick results. Please remember that there is ALWAYS an effective natural remedy for pest control. They are just not studied and documented as extensively as commercial treatments. I’d like to thank you for watching my video about how to get rid of lice naturally! If you have any other questions, please leave me a comment below.