Ultimate Roller Bottle for Stress and Anxious Feelings | Essential Oils for Mood

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fractioned coconut oil:
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Lime essential oil- wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Bergamot essential oil: (For wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Lemon essential oil- wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Lavender essential oil- wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Serenity- wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Balance- wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)
Citrus Bliss- (For wholesale pricing, visit the link below.)

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Do you struggle with stress and anxious feelings? Essential oils effectively support the brain by reprograming the stress response on a chemical level. The best oils for stress are lime, bergamot, lemon, lavender, serenity, balance, and citrus bliss. The last three oils are blends made by doterra. I am using several citrus oils for this blend because citrus oils help cells return to their normal state and interrupt unhealthy stress responses. Lavender is a very calming, soothing, and relaxing oil, making it perfect for this roller bottle. Serenity is the restful blend and reduces stress and anxious feelings. Balance is the grounding blend and it helps restore us and reduces stress and anxious feelings. Citrus bliss is the invigorating blend and it’s very uplifting and energizing.

To make this roller bottle add 5 drops each of lime, bergamot, lemon, lavender, serenity, balance, and citrus bliss to a 10mL roller bottle and fill the rest with fractioned coconut oil.

Apply as often as needed. The best place to apply essential oil to assist mood is across the forehead, sides of neck, behind ears, and on the roof of the mouth.

These oils can also be inhaled or diffused to help calm and relax.

Using essential oils to help with stress is s a great natural solution! Have you ever used essential oils for stress? What blends did you try?

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